Sunday, January 3, 2010

100 Things to Do Before I Graduate

New year resolutions. Yeah, haven't heard that one before (note sarcasm) I've set one on-going resolution for myself every year which is Get an A in Every Class. That, hasn't happened yet. It's hard! I try, but it doesn't always happen. So one day I decided, I was going to set a bunch of little goals to do wile I'm tryin to achieve that. Something to do when I don't have homework, or studying, or when it's vacation. But instead of a few, I decided I'm going to come up with 100 things to do before I graduate.

Yeah, that's alot huh? Haha, well the thing is, some of them are easy goals, and some of them are a little harder. Part of my inspiration to do this was from a story I was reading online. I thought it was hilarious, and decided to start one of my own. Some examples would be Pass math every year, Watch a slasher movie, Find a penny from the 1970's, Have a picnic in the snow, Watch the sunset on a leap year, Do running start, Scream bloody murder in drama, Get a pair of yellow converse, or Tape somebody to a chair.

Those are just a few of my goals. But see what I mean when I say that some are easy and some are hard? But I want to come upon these things. I don't want to focus all of my energy on completing these activities. I don't know, it's really hard to describe. But if I just randomly do one of these, then I can check them off my list.... Does that make sense?

As for my first and primary goal? I'm still working on it.

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