Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reading. Yeah, sometimes it can be really fun, and the book completely captivates you and you never want to put it down. Some of those books for me would be Twilight, Dracula, Identical, and The Vampire Diaries.

But, then there are times that you start the book, and the begining is completely boring. But I seem to always have faith in my books and read to the very end. But... most of the time they suck =( Or other times, I will like a book and talk about it for a few days. But then I think over it again and realize that I didn't like it as much as I thought.

Now, I' m not that picky when it comes to finding a reading place. I usually do it whenever I have free time in class, or if i feel like it at home. So when I'm at home, i usualy read on my bed, my computer chair, or on the second step down on the stairs on the far right side, with the light turned on low. Now if these places aren't available, I usually just go read on the couch or dining table. And if there was absolutely no place to read at all, i'd just postpone reading until i could... or wanted to.

I can read at prety much any environment I want. That is unless I'm with my friends and I keep getting distracted by something funny. And I always have my music playing in the background. But if one of my favorite songs comes on, I usually just jump around my room and start singing along... offkey I might add, haha. But then I'd sit right back down and start reading again.

So, thats how I read. Nothing too spectacular, but I realy dont care. I have fun with it (most of the time.) Happy Blogging! =D

P.S. If you want the link to my awesome playlist, its down below in the blue.


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